I don't accept every attorney that contacts my company because every attorney isn't a good fit.There are some DIY lawyers and I while respect that, they're just not my ideal clients. My clients went to law school to practice law and help as many people as they can and they're…
Read MoreI can’t say enough about the attorneys that I’m blessed to serve that help me employ people that are a blessing!At the end of every quarter I take time out to invest in my TEAM. I review the previous quarter and share the company goals for our upcoming quarter. They…
Read MoreWe did it again!Take a peek behind the scenes at our video shoot day with attorney Melanie D. Fenwick Thompson and her clients in Snellville, GA.
Read MoreCheck out this view!I am so honored to have some of the top attorneys in Atlanta as my clients. These behind-the-scenes videos not only capture who they are as people, it captures their professionalism, their commitment and their decisions to dream big and do big things within their firms and…
Read MoreWe’re finishing up our final day at the State Bar of Texas convention. Be sure to stop by booth 208 to pick up swag!The lawyers I work with tell me it takes a lot more than just a law school degree to become a successful lawyer and differentiate yourself from…
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