Times Have Changed – Has Your Law Firm Changed With It?

Looking at the infographic, below, you can see the old forms of media are really no longer the top places to market your law firm. Gone are the Yellow Pages, direct mail, signage, $10k billboards and $1800 per month 30 second commercials. Those forms of media are still very expensive and give little ROI.

The top forms of media are now the Internet, SMS and audio/video podcasting. When developing content, be sure to repurpose and distribute the content on multiple platforms.  

• Record videos that educate, inform and position the lawyers at your firm as experts

• Upload the videos to YouTube and Wistia

• Transcribe the videos and create blog posts

• Convert videos to audios

• Upload the videos to podcast sites

• Share the video links on social media

• Share 30-60 second snippets of the videos on Instagram

• Run YouTube video ad campaigns

• Create multiple 'tweetables' from the video titles

• Build a video library on your website

According to a study by Pew Research in 2015, 84% of all Americans use the Internet. Of those, 81% use the Internet to research products or services.  If a potential client can't instantly find you, they'll move on to someone else as fast as it takes to click a button.  

Is your law firm keeping up with the changes or falling behind? 

About Creative Internet Authority:
Creative Internet Authority is a digital marketing company that specializes in producing and promoting videos for law firms. We use a 7 step process to create educational, informative and relevant videos that position law firms as thought leaders and authorities in the industry.

Helping Lawyers and Law Firms with the ABCs:

► Attracting the Right Prospective Clients
► Building Authority so that Prospective Clients Trust You
► Converting That Traffic Into Clients or Subscribers

To learn more about Creative Internet Authority and how you can use videos to increase visibility and exposure download our guide below.