Every Attorney and Business Owner Needs to Know This About the Opportunities with Video

Video production is not enough - you must also include a strategy for YouTube video ads, YouTube remarketing, Facebook video ads and Facebook retargeting campaigns for your videos.  The cost of production alone for one video could range from $1k to $6k depending on the company or individual you choose.  Why invest time, money and resources for videos that you do not market?

When it comes to lawyer video marketing, the results speak for themselves. Profiles with videos on Lawyers.com are viewed 174 percent more than those without a video, and increase the click-through rate to a firm’s website by 146 percent.  When it comes to choosing an attorney, building trust is important and this can be done by introducing your firm online and providing educational content to put clients at ease before they walk through your door.

By using web video, you will accomplish important goals:
1. Demonstrate your expertise in your practice for new clients and answer questions from current clients
2. Educate the clients on how your firm can help
3. Establish your firm as the #1 authority in your practice area 
4. Build trust and authority online
5. Reach current clients and encourage referrals to maximize your existing client base

Did you know?

Using the word “Video” in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19%, click-through rates by 65%, and reduces unsubscribe rates by 26% ~source: Syndacast
70% of marketing professionals report that video converts better than any other medium ~source: MarketingProfs 
The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video than without ~source: Mist Media
64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it ~source: comScore 
Using videos on landing pages can increase conversions by 80% ~source: Unbounce

Your prospective clients have less time to digest more information, and the quickest and easiest way to consume information is when it’s shown and told to us. 

Did you know that you can use your videos to remarket on YouTube?

What is remarketing?

Remarketing lets you show your videos to people who have visited your channel or previously viewed one of your videos.

Why  should you be doing it?

The #1 reason? It works! We live in a busy world and remarketing can be a great tool to remind people about your services, increase visibility and exposure and build your brand.

A YouTube remarketing campaign means that instead of running your video ad to a list of video placements, you’re running your ad to videos that people on your remarketing List are watching. Sound confusing? It can be if your area of expertise is law and not marketing!


Montina is the founder of, Creative Internet Authority, a digital marketing company that specializes in video marketing for attorneys at small to medium sized law firms.

She is also the owner of, Atlanta Video Studio, a place where Professionals, Authors, Consultants, Experts, Entrepreneurs, Realtors and Speakers can record professional videos that position them as experts and authorities in their industries.

Montina went form living in a homeless shelter at 19 to graduating with her master's,  retiring from the largest I.T. financial company in the United States in 2014 and founding the nation's only video marketing company in the country founded by a woman that focuses exclusively on marketing for attorneys.

Her life story proves that all things are possible to those that work hard and believe in achieving success. She is also the author of YouTube Secrets Revealed, How to Market Your Law Firm Online and she has over 4 million views on her YouTube channel and has produced over 450 videos for attorneys that have generated more than 50,000 views.