The $1 million Government Contract

“My first government contract was $1 million dollars.”

When I first started my business, I attended a lot of classes at the U.S. Small Business Administration and one of the teachers was telling us her story. The room seemed to stand still and we all wanted to know how we could get a million dollar contract too.

I walked away inspired and informed but, unfortunately, confused and frustrated. Registering in Sam and just “getting a contract” just didn’t seem that easy. Well, for some it is and for others it’s not.

Instead, I chose the certification route and it’s proving to be the quickest path to building generational wealth. The best part? The federal certifications are FREE and many of the classes are low cost.

If you are part of a disadvantaged group and want to build a business, I strongly suggest going the certification route.

The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) is a legislatively mandated USDOT program that applies to Federal-aid highway dollars expended on federally-assisted contracts issued by USDOT recipients such as State Transportation Agencies (STAs). The U.S. Congress established the DBE program in 1982.

If you are DBE certified and not getting business, my DBE fast track course will be launching soon. Sign up for more information.