Do You Know How To Choose An Attorney?

I remember my first experience with an attorney and it was awful! I was a 23-year-old schoolteacher and mother of two with very little funds so I went with the 'free' legal services offered by the teachers union.


Looking back, I don't remember speaking to the attorney - ever.

My ex-husband hired an attorney and when I look back at the paperwork the entire divorce was in his favor. He received everything he wanted.

I met my attorney the day of mediation and he didn't even know how to pronounce my name.

My attorney, quite frankly, just didn't care.


Here are a few tips for when you need to hire an attorney:
1. Search for your exact question in Google - Google knows your geographical location
2. Research, research, research - Download reports, guides, books watch videos, read the attorney bios and read the testimonials. Search for the attorney on Google and go through their social media.
3. Understand different types of attorneys offer different types of consultations - Expect to pay experienced family, business criminal and estate planning attorneys. You probably won't pay a workers' compensation or personal injury attorneys. The work is based off of a percentage of the win.

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